Newwave Media srl

AI Progetti participates in the event “Reflections for a sustainable project”

On Friday, June 7th, AI Progetti participated in the event “Reflections for a sustainable tourism project”, organized by Welcoming Gate and held at the M9 Museum – Museum of the 20th Century in Mestre.


During the conference, our partner Andrea Borin, along with Arch. Alberto Panfilo, CEO of EGI (Europa Gestione Immobiliare), a subsidiary of the Poste Italiane group, presented the project for the restoration and functional recovery of Palazzo Querini Dubois on the Grand Canal in Venice.


It was an extraordinary opportunity for discussion on the theme of sustainable tourism, with a focus on the lagoon city, featuring high-quality speakers who provided interesting insights.


We are thrilled to have participated in this important event and to have shared our vision for a more sustainable future in tourism.

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